Global Distribution
Carbon Sales

Carbon Sales is one of the prime producers of Anthracite Filter Media in the world.

Nestled in Northeastern Pennsylvania, the heart of anthracite coal country, we are specialists in our field. In fact, ANTHRAFILT is the only product we manufacture. For over 35 years, Carbon Sales has been producing high quality product for a wide variety of customers with very different needs. Need to check availability of specific sizes for future requirements? Give our sales team a call and get a fast, accurate projection.

NEPA PA Anthracite
About Anthrafilt

ANTHRAFILT’s consistent quality has created demand across a broad range
of industries.

ANTHRAFILT can be found in the municipal filters of some of our nation’s most progressive cities including Los Angeles, Miami and Philadelphia, as well as in overseas hubs like Sidney and Singapore. We are proud to serve the needs of many leading industrial organizations including major petroleum refiners, pulp and paper manufacturers, and power generators.

Every year, we produce over 300 specifications of Anthracite Filter Media, most between .60 and 1.80mm. ANTHRAFILT is marketed directly to end-users, and is also available through our preferred network of contractors, engineering firms and distributors of water filtration equipment.

Since 1932, the name ANTHRAFILT has stood for the highest quality.

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